This is a link to the LA Times articles:,0,5377732.story
Unfortunately for me, my family has been involved in a Probate case for the last 4.5 years now. This is around my mother's estate, my father died in June 2000. I have experienced the corruption of the Los Angeles Probate Court system first hand and what damage it can do to families. My case under Judge Aviva K. Bobb, has torn my whole immediate family apart! It is now a long story, so I will present some of the most recent events for this article because they are related to some recent events that have gained some exposure in the main stream media.Unlike my families probate case.
Several years ago Judge Bobb appointed two family members as co-conservators of my mother. Ever since then they have been perpetrating all kinds of criminal activities with my mother's estate and committing crimes against other family members. Both of these so-called conservators did not even live in the state of California at the time they were appointed as conservators. One lives in Georgia and the other was living in South Africa at the time he was appointed as conservator.
After I began to expose the crimes that were being committed by these conservators in court, the one that lived in South Africa who is a doctor decided to come back to California to act like he is a conservator of my mother. Back in 2006 he showed up one night at my mother's house and assaulted both of my sons to force them out of my mother's house so he could move into my mother's three bedroom condominium. My mother wanted my sons to live there to help care for her when this conservator doctor goes to South Africa. He has been assaulting other family members ever since then to control my mother and her estate while he has been spending monies wildly from the estate.
Just before that shooting in Inglewood by the Inglewood PD, that has just been swept under the rug by the main stream media. I had gone to the Inglewood Police to follow up on an investigation about an Elder Abuse report that was filed by the LA County Adult Protective Services to a detective Dewakter almost a year ago concerning my mother. When I contacted him I found out that he has not done anything on this investigation yet! When I asked him what country is he from, he then just flat out said he is not going to investigate! I then complained to his supervisor and his supervisor said that he is not going to investigate either! I informed this supervisor that a deputy DA that handles Elder Abuse Crimes, is waiting for them to send him the results of their investigation. This supervisor then said to me "we do not take orders from the DA's office."
Shortly after I heard about the Inglewood "assassination" I got my video camera and came down to the Inglewood PD to make a complaint about these two cops. During the first few days after the shooting nobody came near the Inglewood police station, except me! Here are a few pictures.

So this time I appeared before the Inglewood City Counsel to report what I have been experiencing with the Inglewood PD. I complained to the Inglewood Chief of Police and later to the Inglewood City Attorney. After I made these complaints I was told that the Inglewood PD is investigating.

I will also file a petition in the Probate court to have both conservators removed with another attorney. As you can imagine, this is going to cost me a lot of money! I have found that most of the Probate attorneys are corrupt as well as the court room personnel in Dept 11 at 111 North Hill Street in Los Angeles, California.
We are scheduled to return to court on September 30, 2009 for the restraining order case in the Inglewood courts. From my conversations with the Inglewood PD detective Hart, who is supposed to be investigating the crimes that have been committed by these so-called conservators, I can see that they have not done any thing yet!
I have begun to organize other victims of the former Probate Judge in the Los Angeles Superior Court Dept. 11 Aviva K. Bobb. From my interviews of these victims it is apparent that Judge Bobb has a consistent pattern of corruption in her court room. Many of these victims are very emotionally traumatized by their experiences in that court room. When I first talked to them they go on and on about all of the criminal acts that were committed by this judge. Several blame Judge Bobb for putting a family member in some kind of Elder care facility that they feel was responsible for their death.
I am setting up a support group for the victims of the Los Angeles County Probate Court. I know as a victim of the LA Probate Court that this type of corruption can cause significant mental distress and be emotionally devastating.
To Be Continued........
Thank you for taking the time to post your experience, I have had a similar nightmare from Los Angeles Superior Court Probate, the corruption, perjury and elderly abuse is epidemic I'm at