Thursday, May 7, 2009

LA MFT In The Legal Arena "Forensics"

The Curios Case Of Attorney Richard I. Fine

This is a video of Attorney Richard I. Fine that I produced back in February of 2009 for the Cable TV program that I created called "The Justice Channel." The week after I shot this video Attorney Fine was arrested in court. Attorney Richard I. Fine who attempted to disqualify Los Angeles Superior Court Judge David Yaffe from presiding over his 2008 contempt trial, was sentenced by Yaffe on March 4, 2009 to what is described as "coercive confinement" for an indefinite period of time, without bail and without a hearing date.

Coercive Confinement & Richard Fine's Contempt Case:

  • Richard Fine was held in contempt of court for refusing to answer questions regarding his personal finances. Fine claimed the Judge should be disqualified because the case involved the County of Los Angeles.
  • Having represented many clients who filed claims against the County of Los Angeles, Richard Fine has repeatedly raised the issue of Judicial corruption since 1999. He maintains that court records from 2005 to 2008 show that all but two cases before L.A. County Judges were decided in favor of the County, a fact that he says is due to illegal judicial payments made by the County.

  • A Ventura, California law firm representing the Los Angeles Superior Court and Judge David Yaffe, filed a declaration of attorney Kevin M. McCormick (BENTON, ORR, DUVAL & BUCKINGHAM) on behalf of the L.A. County Superior Court and Judge David Yaffe, representing them in opposition to the release of Richard I Fine from solitary "coercive confinement". Here is a quote from the response.
  • "The use of coercive confinement resulting from civil contempt has been approved and found appropriate by the United States Supreme Court, federal district and appellate courts and California state courts..." (regarding the right of a civil judgment creditor to pursue and of a trial court to impose for purposes of an individual's compliance with a valid court order.)

As we have seen the use of mental and physical "torture" techniques used on the so-called prisoners of war in the Middle East by the U.S. Army or the CIA, and how U.S. officials are trying to justify these actions as what is needed to "protect" the United States. We see a form of mental and emotional "torture" being used to force an American citizen into accepting the blatant corruption of a Superior Court judge against an attorney who is a Federal Prosecutor!

Many of the citizens of Los Angeles County do not know the "horrid" conditions that are maintained in the Twin Towers Correctional facility by Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies. This so-called "coercive confinement" is nothing but "intentional infliction of emotional distress." Just being locked up in Twin Towers is distressful enough in those conditions but it is especially distressful when you have been forced to be there falsely!

I have been trying to gain access to Attorney Fine in Twin Towers to shoot an interview with him in the facility. I want to make some assessments as to his present emotional and physical status in the correctional facility. I have been informed that he is still in solitary confinement and is not even allowed to have a pencil. I am sure that these conditions can cause a healthy individual to experience depressive symptoms as well as anxiety and panic states.

Sheriff Lee Baca has stated publicly that a large portion of the Twin Towers population has moderate to severe emotional and mental pathologies that the Sheriff's deputies are not equipped or properly trained to handle. Most Sheriff's deputies will choose to use physical force when presented with behaviors that they do not understand or when they perceive any form of deviance from inmates.

Some Questions

Should individuals with mental disorders be sent out for treatment instead of confinement in Twin Towers?

Should LA County provide funding for private mental health providers to treat these individuals and their families or should the County fund non-profit organizations to provided services on a shoe string budget?

Should LA County employ Psychologists, MFTs and LSCWs to provide services in Twin Towers?

Should LA County employ MFTs as Guard-Therapists in Twin Towers?

Is the use of "coercive confinement" and "intentional infliction of emotional distress" legal and "appropriate" in our judicial system?

Should MFTs be involved in law enforcement efforts towards Judicial Reform?

How do we change a Judicial system that has gone insane?

Music Selections

These are some of my favorite music selections from Rhapsody

Classical: "1. Adagio for Strings and Organ in G minor - Adagio for Strings and Organ in G minor - I Musici"

Classical: "2) Andante - Violin Concerto No. 1 in A minor, BWV 1041 - 2. Andante Featuring: Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Julia Fischer"

Real Jazz: "1. Au Lait - Pat Metheny"